this is the picture :p

singapore airlines, yipiiie! *norak mode-on*

singapore airlines, yipiiie! *norak mode-on*



at japanese garden, changi airport

at japanese garden, changi airport


roda ga jelasshhh....

roda ga jelasshhh....

disneyland at changi

disneyland at changi

At bugis junction

At bugis junction

at south luzon sales convention, Taal Vista

at south luzon sales convention, Taal Vista

with Chad -one of phill's trainee at Mall of Asia, philipines

with Chad -one of phill's trainee at Mall of Asia, philipines

at my hostel at bugis ahahahaha...!

at my hostel at bugis ahahahaha...!

tired mba? hehehehe.....

tired mba? hehehehe.....

Rudy, Me, Pa Egi, Zida, Elaine, Mba Wiwin, Yasmin

Rudy, Me, Pa Egi, Zida, Elaine, Mba Wiwin, Yasmin

jadi gembel di pelataran KLCC

jadi gembel di pelataran KLCC


esplanade alias durian monthong..... ahahaha...

esplanade alias durian monthong..... ahahaha...

ini pose paling lucuuuu! ahahuahuahua....!!!!

ini pose paling lucuuuu! ahahuahuahua....!!!!

Heading to Manila…

Yes, I finally get back to singapore, after the first time I went here about 2 years ago, and still with free flight of singapore airlines.. Thank you, God 🙂

Now, I am transitting at Changi and waiting for my flight to Manila at 2 PM. I got a work there, which is a CMI project, and i’ll be there for 3 days. I’ll return at Thursday, but me and my colleague (Yasmin) decide to extend the singapore-jkt flight, because we want to travellinggg…!!! ooops, i mean backpacking 😀

hopefully this time will be super exciting than 2 years ago 😛
will update you soon, thanks for reading my blogs 😀 !!!

Malang & Bromo outbound, Jan 15-17, 2009

hehehhe.. we finally get the chances to have a trip! yay!

despite all the phone calls and complaints.. but we enjoy the trip so much.

we can’t see the sunrise though.. it’s foggy everywhere!!! after climb 250 ladders which feels like I’m having body pump class and burning 1 million calories, I still can’t see anything!

cute flowers 😀

dinner at Tugu Hotel, Malang

dinner at Tugu Hotel, Malang

hiks… seeing lapindo’s mud… it’s soooo scarrryyy!!!!! Gosh, I hate the owner of lapindo brantas 😦
the mud-lake of lapindo...

the mud-lake of lapindo...


Tugu hotel, the odd and spooky hotel, but famous indeed, heheheh..

Tugu hotel, the odd and spooky hotel, but famous indeed, heheheh..


hehehee... we're at Alpen!!

hehehee... we're at Alpen!!



smileeeee! hehehe... di warung bandrek sebelum keatas..

smileeeee! hehehe... di warung bandrek sebelum keatas..

koleksi2 Tugu Hotel, hiiiyyyy... ceyemmm!

koleksi2 Tugu Hotel, hiiiyyyy... ceyemmm!

one rest day

ga masuk kantor niyh.. not feeling well.

gw punya satu cerita menarik soal temen gw, and honestly it freaks me out a li’l bit. how life and love can change your direction in a point you’ll never expect before.

temen gw, sebut aja si X. dia tu cwe tangguh yang punya ambisi besar: kuliah s2 di europe dan punya suami kaya. sekarang, dia punya pacar kaya, tapi dia sering ngeluh sama fw kalo pacarnya itu bukan seperti yang dia harapkan. dari ceritanya sih, pacwrnya emang parah, hahahahaha.. anyway, tetep aja dia bertahan dengan cinta separuh. dia aja gak yakin tuh cowok bener2 sayang ma dia. mereka cuma bersama krn sudah terbiasa bersama.. masalahnya si cowok ga setuju X kul di europe. mendingan x sekolah profesi di indon. gw pikir, X gak akan ngelepasin impiannya, secara dia juga gak secinta itu ama cowok nya..

kmrn X keceplosan bilang kl dia bakalan daftar sekolah profesi itu.. dan dia jg dalam proses pindah kos, juga demi kepentingan cowoknya. gw yang teramat sangat shock, lantas bilang begini sama X, “lo bilang ga cinta sama dia, tp gw lihat semua jalan lo tuh mengarah ke dia. tau2 nanti lo udah berdiri di altar dan lo baru sadar… ‘napain ya gw ada disini?'”


tapi ternyata emang life and love isn’t that simple. kayak gw, yang akhirnya kayaknya bakal ngalah sama hukum kesempatan. ketika lo nggak berhasil membuat kesempatan yg lo inginkan, dan di depan lo ada kesempatan lain yang harus lo ambil, ketimbang lo nggak punya apa2.

seperti kata eka, ‘not loving your job is better than jobless’

well, gw masih muda. tadinya gw pikir gw udah tua.. this year i’m gonna be 24, 6 years ahead to thirty.

it spooky, for sure. lantas, kmrn temen gw yg berumur 29 thn ini bilang dia masih nyantai2 aja kok. this is jakarta.. being 30 and single is not a sin here. and well, I think.. kalo gw terlibat percibtaan, and it Begin to be deeper and deeper.. I might do what X do. semakin banyak pertimbangan untuk semakin menjauhkan gw dari impian gw…!

I am single and fearless! I don’t have to care about married or my man is cheating when i’m not around!! that’s the strength God has given to me. and I won’t lose my dream now. I wil having my postgraduate abroad. I promise to myself,I will.

brrr.. dingiiinnnnn!!

buset! gw di kamar gw, and freezing.. this should be a rare opportunity, freezing at jakarta without air conditioner..!

yesterday I went out to zabeth’s office event (yes it feels ackward.. I hardly even know somebody there, hihihihi!). one of her friend take us home and he said it was 24 degrees out there! Gosh.. jakarta at 24 degrees…!

today i’m freezing at office. rada2 saltum juga kali ya gw, pake knit sabrina gtuuu.. aiyaaa!!

and now I think I got a fever, hiks…. I have to rest well, so I can join the business trip with my best spirit!!

the other boleyn girl



hehehe.. gw punya satu kalimat untuk film ini: “one king just wanna have it all” ;p

ceritanya berjalan lambat dan baru seru menjelang film berakhir.. walaupun ending-nya tragis dan bikin gw ga rela soalnya sang adik cowok yang dihukum ganteng, hehehe..

singkatnya, film ini menceritakan tentang seorang raja yang diharuskan untuk memiliki anak laki2, kalau dia nggak ingin terjadi pemberontakan di negaranya. Sedangkan sang istri sudah 2 kali melahirkan, tapi anaknya perempuan terus… Then, Sir Thomas Boleyn start to offer his eldest daughter to give a birth of a king’s son. Walaupun, yahh.. akhirnya si cewek paling tua itu nggak berhasil, malah adiknya yang berhasil melahirkan anak laki2 untuk sang raja. Sang kakak nggak terima, dan balas dendam…. akhirnya dia malah kena batunya.

The message is… jangan sok ngehina2 orang, mungkin aja hinaan itu akan berbalik sama loe. hehehehe… quite a law of life, huh!

gw still wondering sih, ceritanya ini fakta atau fiksi sih?

anyway, skala 1-10 gw kasih 7 utk film ini… aktingnya keren! hehehe..

How i feel lately..

blakangan ini gw rada kesel karena banyak orang usil yang manggil2 gw di jalan. entah tukang bangunan, cowok yang baru kelar sholat jumat (bahkan masih di depan masjid), bapak2 yg lg nontonin orang maen bulutangkis di blakang kosan gw…

Gosh, dan jujur aja gw sama sekali gak tersanjung tp malah bete! gimana gak bete, manggil2 nya rasis gitu… masa yg di masjid itu gw dipanggil amoy! kampreeeeettt!!!! uh, gw udah ngutuk2 ga keruan, dasar orang2 shallow… saking desperate nya manggil2 cewe di jalan, malu2in diri lo sendiri aja!!

btw, counting days to bromo niyh, tinggal 3 hari lagi, hehehe..
dan seminggu lagi menuju phillipine!!

vicky christina barcelona



ummm, i’ve read the preview in one of the chicks magazine, and I thought this movie will be somekinda thriller, which a lesbian couple trying to kill a man..

but, I’m wrong..

this is a movie about seeking the essence of life.
I watched this movie through pirated dvd, and the text is messed out, hahahahhaa…

anyway, the narator quite “ganggu”, menurut gw… di lain pihak, kelebihan dari film ini adalah tentang 2 orang cewek yang bersahabat baik, padahal karakternya beda jauh. persamaannya mungkin karena mereka suka tantangan, makanya mereka ke Barcelona bareng….

Anyway, film ini cocok juga sih buat orang yang sedang “mencari jati diri”. when you feel bored with your life, you wanna go some place different, and see what waiting for you there… bisa sesuatu yang jelek, bisa sesuatu yang buruk. but, the risk is all on you!

skala 1-10, gw akan kasih nilai 6 untuk film ini : )

stop racism now!

unite against racism!
unite against racism!

This morning (almost afternoon, i guess heheheee…), I walked out from my lodging house to my office. With “half-awareness”, I tried to walk as fast as I can, because the dust keep slaping my face….

Then, still having half-awareness, I see a worker with something (which is a cart full of stones) pointed his cart to me… GOSH, i was damned frightened! I did not know what is this man trying to do! then, you know what?

he just said, “Halo, Ci…”

KAMPRET! what just he said to me?

so, with head full of tenses, I screamed, “RESE lo!!” until the other workers looking at me.

so what? he’s the one with no manner, trying to disturb me, a human who has the right to walk on the street safely!

GOSH, we are lacking of safety nowadays…. I don’t care if he’s just trying to seduce me or thinking that I can say “hello” to him in return…. but, he’s definitely frightening me, and am I just right to kick him out!

well, this country is definitely lacking of respect to others. I hate being called, “Ci”. and what he did to me just make me want to move-out immediately from this country. I dream of equality… where we can see others from the way they are, not from their race.

and you’re the one who can make it happened!

yes, you!!