the world is not enough

Hanging-out with smart people are definitely the best way to change our mindset! Oh Gosh, now I know how important good environment is. Talking, chatting, or being around ambitious and effective people brings me things in mind: the world is not enough. Infact, the world is wider and more beautiful than we thought it would be. Our super ambition could be tiny-miny in front of other bright people.


Yesterday, I was having a little talk with senior manager human resources of Samsung electronics
Indonesia, and he gave me a lot of life messages. You know, we always forgot to give thanks when we are failed, infact we have to always (I mean it, always!) give thanks for everything happened in our life. Disaster, traffic jam, death, or injuries, is always end positive. Yap, he told me that, “saya tidak takut pada manusia atau hantu, saya hanya takut pada Tuhan. Jadi, buat apa kamu takut atau gugup? Percayakan saja semua pada Tuhan, bahwa apapun hasilnya, itu yang terbaik untuk semua orang. Gagal atau berhasil, kita harus tetap bersyukur. Bisa aja sebenernya Tuhan tuh sedang menyelamatkan kamu.”


And you know, it happened when I almost lost my faith. I know, there’s lot of wise words I wrote in this blog lately. You may think I am positive person, but I am not. I even said to my pal like this: “makasi banget ya, jujur aja, msg dari lo ini berarti banget buat gw skrg, karena actually this is one of bad moment in my life.

ibaratnya, gw tuh dari tadinya dah bisa berdiri, skrg jatuh terus mesti blajar merangkak lagi dr bawah…

but, well… gue byk dpt hal kok lately nu…. gw belajar kalo hidup itu seperti roda… dan gw belajar untuk percaya sama iman gue terhadap Tuhan… gw belajar ngga ngukur Tuhan dari seberapa banyak permintaan gue yang dikabulin.. dan gue belajar percaya kalo Tuhan sedang ngasih gw yang tbaik. gue msh belajar nu, artinya… sering jg gue ngga bisa kaya gt… ngga segampang itu buat ngerubah mindset gt…”


yap, one day I have a strong faith, and another day I lost it. I’m not perfect.


Then, I walked home with my friend, a student of management UI, and he’s really a great person! He won P&G be champion competition and a 2nd winner of trust by danone competition (he almost gone to
Paris!), and he had lots of common with me. we’re struggling so hard to finish our study and we passed lot of ups and downs, in competitions and recruitments. Yap, people may said people like us won’t find any difficulties, infact none of us called by any company in career days UI 2007. hurt badly..


But, he was more positive than me and he was truly a good leader. He was succeded to lead on some project and bring the idea to cooperate with airasia to flight his 70 senat member to
Bali. Anyway, it was my regretness to not have enough practice my leaderships skill in college. Well, if only I could turn back the hands of time.


My point is, go mingle with amazing people, and you’ll find yourself highly motivated. I am motivated right now, and I will try to focus my life.

the patient..

Okay, beneath all of the risk of being criticize, this is my condition rite now: hampir sebulan berlalu setelah one of the most happy moment in my life: graduation day (because I finnally succeded to make my parents proud of me), tepatnya tanggal 24 maret nanti. Umh, tapi february kan Cuma sampai 28, jadi belum tepat 30 hari, hohohoho >o*

~naughty girl…


Okay, back to beck, peduli setan sama sebulan, yang pasti sekarang gue udah mulai BOSEN. Lebih tepatnya, kondisi yang sudah lama gue antisipasi terjadi juga saat ini, yaitu nyokap dah mulai ngomel-ngomel tentang gue yang di rumah melulu. Owh, puhleasee.. can I just have a little rest after struggling for this past 3.5 years?! So, api sudah berkobar-kobar dalam dadaku, awal april gue harus GAWE!! Bodo amat deh sama rencana jalan-jalan abroad yang sudah lama dicanangkan oleh nyokap, karena gue nggak akan menukarnya dengan sebulan penuh dengan radio rusak. Huhuhu, ternyata ada hal-hal yang menjadikan pengangguran terasa menyebalkan, selain nggak punya penghasilan. Okelah kalo masih numpang sama ortu, selama lo masih pengangguran makan pasti gretong. Tapi, ada beberapa hal… yang membuat gue makin dizzy, dibalik kenyataan bahwa gue benci diem aja, not working anything nor using my brain (yang akhir-akhir ini gue gunakan untuk maen game di komputer, haoheouheu…).


Masalahnya sekarang adalah… sebenernya gue bisa kerja, kalo gue mau. Tapi pada saat ini, I feel like begging to myself.. to gimme just view times to get the best. Pernah denger kan pepatah, “kesabaran akan membuahkan hasil terbaik”? (umh, sebenernya pepatah itu gue rangkum sendiri sih, hehehehe…). Jadi selama ini gue terus-menerus stuck dalam kebimbangan tak berujung, dalam suatu trade-off antara: cepet kerja atau menunggu yang terbaik. Emang seh, ada orang bilang, nggak akan ada yang terbaik. But, at least, gue pengen dapetin dream company gue!!! (semua orang yang kenal gue pasti dah tau dream company gue.. omigowth… I want it so bad!). the thing is, will I or people around me just gimme sometimes to wait? Or at this moment I don’t have any eligibility to choose and let the destiny point on his finger to me?


Momen ini sama aja kayak waktu gue nunggu hasil SPMB. Hati gue ketar-ketir, gimana kalo gue nggak keterima di UNPAD, mana gue nggak ngelamar ke swasta laen.. sementara tiap hari nyokap ngomel melulu (dia paling nggak bisa melihat orang nganggur, pasti langsung ‘dipekerjakan’). 2 bulan terasa liburan paling membosankan dan memuakkan sedunia, untungnya doa gue terkabul. But… will this time God answered my prayer? Pastilah. Gue percaya kok. Pada saat ini gue Cuma memberi deadline pada diri gue sendiri, sampai awal april. And after that, may the destiny come through me…

i’m bored i’m boREd….

the culture

Sebenernya ini cerita lama tentang elegi kemiskinan di negeri ini. Belakangan ini gue nggak Cuma peduli soal marketing, tapi juga dunia sosial kita yang bikin gue makin tersentuh, sekaligus terganggu. Koreksi gue kalau salah, tapi selain merasa kasihan sama pengemis, gue juga bete yah sama mereka? Gue merasa mereka itu…. Pemalas…

Enak banget mereka tinggal nadahin tangan, sementara orang lain harus berdarah-darah kerja keras cari uang. Emang sih, kita Cuma ngasih receh. Tapi, jumlah pengemis di negara ini makin mengkhawatirkan… belum termasuk jumlah pengamen, anak jalanan, dll. Maksud gue, kenapa enggak nyontoh temen-temennya yang jadi tukang becak, tukang bakso, atau bahkan tukang sol sepatu. Orang-orang itulah yang lebih pengen gue bantu… (antara lain dengan enggak nawar…). Sekarang bahkan gue nggak pernah beli majalah di toko buku, tapi selalu ke pedagang koran di pinggir jalan. Itu salah satu cara terbaik untuk membantu UMKM!

Salah satu yang menarik adalah bahasan di salah satu talkshow di metro tV, tentang kemiskinan yang turun-temurun (jadi, neneknya pengemis, anaknya minta-minta, cucunya jadi anak jalanan…). Seakan-akan itu tuh mental yang sudah mengakar dan akan terus-menerus berlanjut ke generasi selanjutnya… (sama kayak mental koruptor). Gue sering lihat loh anak kecil yang semangat banget untuk ngemis. Sudah nggak perlu disuruh lagi, mereka memang punya inisiatif sendiri! Kalau sudah begini, siapa yang harus disalahkan? Pemerintah lagi??

don’t hesitate me

Everything happened for a reason.


Loe semua percaya nggak sih kalo kita dilahirkan untuk sebuah alasan? Pernah nggak sih ada saat-saat dimana loe ngerasa, a parents should not born childs, if they didn’t have long-term plan for them.

Sekarang makin banyak pengamen cilik, dengan bajunya yang robek-robek, rambutnya yang merah terbakar matahari, dan hidungnya yang ingusan, yang akhirnya mau-nggak-mau membuat gue berpikir, “why do you born someone, if you know that s/he would be suffering?” bukankah tanggung jawab kita untuk menjaga ‘titipan Tuhan’ yang paling berharga ini? Bukannya nyuruh mereka untuk mengemis atau bahkan melacur…

positif, semangat, gembira!!!

Title diatas adalah taglinenya coca-cola, minuman soda rasa kola yang sudah jadi komoditas di negeri ini. Lucunya, tagline tersebut baru bisa masuk ke dalam mind share gue ketika gue melihat sebuah bus kota yang kumuh terlihat begitu indah dihiasi dengan banner coca-cola bertuliskan tagline tadi. Gue baru sadar, semangat itulah yang harus kita miliki untuk jadi sukses.

Dulu, I used to think that people in the bus was pathetic people. Nope, not because they don’t own a vehicle, but because their face always seen unhappy. Bete, keringetan, desak-desakan, marah-marah.. it was very typical people in the bus. But.. as I struggling at the hot city, Jakarta, for this past one month, I have realized that I’m wrong.

Infact, now I thought they were a though survivor! They could wake up early in the morning, run to chase the bus whose gone far (because they could be late at the office), and going home still chasing the bus. I used to thought that they don’t have a dream to pursue anymore, but now I realize that they are in process. You think, why are they struggling that hard? Because they know, someday the bright day would come, someday they could afford their own mercedes, or they might be planning to move other country. I don’t know, each person has their own typically dream. Nobody has the right to laughing or even joking about someone’s dream. I think, a dream is something that make we live, besides breathing.

I know someone who’s ain’t got a dream. She seems suffer and she is ready to die whenever. She always ask, “what is life?” but she never really trying to find the answer. I’m sure we all have been in doubtness, asking the same question like she do. But the different is, half people who’s struggling to find the answer could oppositely, gratitude their life.  And the other half, drown in deep desperateness, asking God to stab a knife upon their heart. Why don’t we stop asking why we was born, and start to do something worth, at least for ourselves?


dsc00194.jpg just cheer up!!!