catching up lives..

to yanti, he’s okay.. just in a little dilemma… 🙂

anyway, i’m currently watching marley and me dvd (sorry, tom, but we’ll replaced it with another movie, as long as it’s not dragon ball :p). I want a puppy! I want a small size dog! I want poodle! huhuhu…

hmm, okay… i’m 23… such a golden age for a woman. so, I decide I have to be in great shape, have a lots of dreams instead, and blooming like a rose 😀
even we know, everything needs money… and lately i’ve been thinking about car…

seperti apa kata Temma, ‘jangan tergantung sama orang lain, just do everything you like.’
then I asked him, ‘i don’t even know what I like nowadays…’

and now….. I am thinking about car! if people said money can’t buy happiness, then why don’t we start using it as a tools! driving a car will makes me feel like an independent woman :p

but well, I have to take a loan to make it real… and actually it’s hard.. and it’s not a great investment..

my Father said, “Car is depreciating, so when you decide to buy car, buy it cash. If you took credit/ loan, means you will lose double.”

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