just to fix one road…


Just to fix one road in Jakarta, they need time more than 3 weeks and cause a terrible traffic jam in one of  main road in  this city.

I was wondering, what’s the benefit? we have to pay over time for the labor, many of  business  lost because of the traffic jam, many gasolines wasted because  people keep press the brakes, and many more bad things occurred because of this event.

unusual event, which the lost is bigger than the benefit.



whoaa.. gw baru balik nonton film “Twilight” lwoh : )
a very romantic movie with a very perfect man, hehe… Edward Cullen -the vampire, my dream guy… whoaaaa, jantan bangeeettt!

pertama dilihat, biasa aja (secara ceritanya kulit The Cullens putih2 semua kayak hantu), tapi karena dia dengan gagah beraninya nolong Bella (tokoh pemeran utama wanita) & lucu bangeeet kalo mau romantis jadi agak2 cupu dan norak gitu, hehehehe…. berasa nonton Dao Ming Tse di meteor garden jaman dulu 😛

jadi, catet yah, doi bukannya ganteng, tapi “jantan”, khi khi khi…

hmmm, i forgot to review this movie deh jadinya, hehehhe… ya, kalo skala 10, film ini gw rating 8. alurnya sih biasa aja, malah cenderung lambat, trus bagi yang mengharapkan film thriller, this movie is totally about drama. cerita vampire cuma bumbu doang, selebihnya yah romantisme, hehehe…

Yah, overall better deh dibanding Deception 😛