In Memoriam

My dog, named Milky, which has been cheering up the life in my house for approx. 7 months, is now has rest in peace.


it’s a sudden news, I received a SMS from my sister in Tuesday: “Milky has died, because he was poisoned by somebody”


what kinda of sick people could poisoning a dog, which even did not bother him! Anjing!

plus, this is my second dog that was poisoned. what happened to this society? so, it means, you can’t raise a dog in this country?! I can’t just keep my dog inside house, he need walking and playing in the yard, and I think it was a personal right for each citizen in the society (I pay the taxes, though).

Terkutuklah siapapun dia, yang meracuni peliharaan gw, makhluk hidup yang punya hak utk hidup juga 😦