No Man No Cry!!!!!

Ika…. my friend, has posted a great lyrics from Mariah Carey, titled “There’s a hero”. and I just can’t stand to quote a little 🙂

click on:

Lord knows

Hold on

There will be tomorrow

In time

You’ll find the way “

odd reunion

can we call it reunion?

took place at Pacific Place Mall – Jakarta, only the 5 of us.

I was shocked. and definitely disappointed.

but then, it’s okay lahhh.. only IDR 20 K of delicious mango milk-shake. and okay, I will advertise this place for free. It’s called pancious, one of the most happening dining place in Jakarta. the first took place at Permata Hijau, and it’s awesomely crowded. Well, if you wanna be full with something sweet (pancake + maple syrup is so damned sweet), then it’s the place!

oskar and kudil in frame (anyway, kudil gain weight a lot, make me feel better in someway :P):

get the phone off! hehehee....

then this is the picture of my drinks (yes, plus one Rury’s drink, because she ran-off from us, hehehehe.. she had to go home because sumthin’ happened with her sister).

no, I will just give a sneak of my drink 😛

my mango milkshake

me and my shoes (or flip-flops)

I just bought 2 flip-flops in Bandung! yeeesss, Bandung again… because my family begs a holiday on yesterday’s long weekend, and I don’t wanna be alone, so there we go!

actually, we plan to stay at my aunt’s house in Garut at the 1st day, but we have to pick-up my mom at Nagrek, after she attend her friend’s daughter marriage. so, we went to bandung in the middle of the night (about 1 AM).

anywaaayyy… I told you! I always find treasures in Bandung : )

1. the silver one is definitely adorable! despite the fact that they both is fake 😛

2. while the purple one is sooo trendy nowadays. the type of upper sling flip-flop, very sophisticated.

anyway, I will not found this type of sandals with the same price in Jakarta. will not less than IDR 100 K, of course.

ha ha ha ha…..

this is the picture:
silver & purple flip-flops

speaking of which, I hate this shoes I bought in Ladies Market, Mongkok – Hongkong. I bought it HKD 80, or about IDR 96 K at that time.
I just use it about 3 times (1st time, it hurts my foot so much, 2nd it still killing me… and the third, with some helps from band-aid (a.k.a hansaplast), I can actually bear it! hahahha… but it wasn’t long enough for me to enjoy the shoe. Just about 7 hours, the ribbon just teared-off everywhere, and I was busy to fix it! yeaaahhhh… now I have to find a way to make this shoe usable again!

see the picture of that lame shoe:

look at the ribbon!!!!